Sunday, November 27, 2011

Love from Amazon?

I recently came up w/ the very brilliant idea of asking if they would donate a Kindle to our hospital for a raffle. I think that the Kindles are pretty dang nifty, and so I think a lot of people would like them. (For instance, I’m trying to see if I can purchase my school books for my Kindle b/c then I don’t have to pay quite so much, and I won’t have to lug it all over the place. You can also put notes, etc, in there, so it has highlighting capabilities. Also, when I need to write a paper w/ several points, I won’t need to dog ear the page, highlight the passage and then write down the page number under the point. I’ll just highlight it and then put a note called Point 1 or something, and then search for all Point 1s.)
At any rate, I thought, what sets KGH apart from the rest of the world w/ their hands out, begging for a freebie? Well, there’s the first part: Ketchikan. Not normally famous, except for the last few years, so I started out with that:
To whom it may concern:
I work in a small hospital in Ketchikan, Alaska. (Perhaps you’ve heard of us? Let me spark your memories a bit… I would have been able to see the “Bridge To Nowhere” out of my office window, however Russia is nowhere in sight. We’ve affectionately begun calling ourselves Nowhere, Alaska 99901)
Then I remembered that we are a not for profit, so I decided to toss that in, and add to the general overall charity of the work we do up here, and show off my long term dedication to the various projects that I am a part of:
Because we are a small non-profit, the Employee Council (of which I’ve been an active member for 8 years) has to raise all funds for our Christmas parties and a charity called Helping Hands, which tries to help fellow employees that would otherwise fall through the cracks. Yes, Nurses, CNAs and other hospital personnel have emergency medical bills, as well. However, due to the economy, we are having a harder time raising money.
Now what? Well, let’s butter them up a bit, and remind them, again, about where the economy stands. And I should probably thank them, too, huh?:
For my birthday my mother purchased a Kindle for me. I absolutely adore it! I wondered if could be sweet talked into donating a Kindle or a gift card for the amount of a Kindle to our hospital, so that we could raffle it off. Most people can still afford a 5$ raffle ticket.
Thank you for your time in considering us for this donation. I know that I, and all the others here at Ketchikan General Hospital would appreciate it.
Ok… That should do it, right? C’mon, Amazon!!! How many thousands of dollars have I spent on your products over the year?!? Even if you only make 1% (which your stocks show you make more than that!) off of all of my transactions, you still could afford it….

(update, this was sent in June of 2011...  It's now almost December of 2011...  I don't think they are going to do it)